Monday, August 16, 2004

Today sucks more than Davey

When i say horrible i mean hor...ri...ble....!!! I was like blur when i got the exam paper. Teacher said to start, i looking everywhere to see if can start, so i started 5 minutes late. Then when started to write the essay .... start putting lots of comas and stuff! After that worst stil,l can't understand the question. Must be brain cells dying or something. I know... i'll blame it on Davey! Sains was as bad cause of the new format.... And a lot of stupid mistakes (not only me but the question paper also)! Hope i'll do better tomorrow!

Anyway sorry that some of you can't hear the darkness... i think there's something wrong with my host! I'll try a different host now.... then everyone can enjoy The DARKNESS!!!

Some people.... some peoplelah... say that i write bad stuff about Davey because i'm jealous.... Actually quite true cause there's this girl name Sara....... and....... i.... like....




Nah! davey just SUCKS!!!!

Here's the continuation of why Davey sucks

  1. He's three timing his girlfriend
  2. Plus he's gay
  3. Cut's his hair real horrible
  4. Combs it horribly and says its natural (you're right!)
  5. Whacks me for writing this
  6. Thinks i'll stop writing this
  7. and he's right
  8. at least for now!
Goodbye! Enjoy.... i'll be putting hoobastank and the rasmus soon! Chowz

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