Wednesday, August 9, 2006

My new blog is at! Visit and show your support!

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


This blog is really dead... Last post was like in 2005! But after reading a few of my friends blogs... i feel like starting again. Will be doing it here for the meantime, and then later transfering it to a "real site"! Among those who inspired me are Fireangel (not a friend actually, just found out bout her in fact), Linghezhi, Lydia, and Michx.

The reason why i stopped is because i always felt like i have nothing to write about. No life, no camera to cam-whore with (not mine at least, Dads') or just snap pics of things and talk about it. Blogging IS fun, but only when i have lots of time on my hand.

I guess that's all for now! Thanks all you guys for rekindling a dying flame!